" We have always done it that way"

These are the  7 most expensive words in business.

Business Technology - Assessment - Training

Having the knowledge of business technology to improve your returns and operation efficiency while maintaining a secure online presence is essential for any business.

Our knowledge and experience is what we aim to share with you.

Business Technology

Using todays technology is a double edged sword, it can save money and increase productivity, the challenge is understanding how to integrate technology into daily operations. 


Business are constantly turning to technology, the security  risks can outweigh the benefits that’s offered, are you at risk?  are your staff trained or have the knowledge ro ensure the door is not opened to allow scammers to cause havic?


Staff knowledge is one way to ensure your business is not at risk, the return on investing in software and programs are maximised, and ongoing training to implement new upgrades or technology changes that can help drive a business forward.

Domain Names, Hosting, Websites, Apps

Having been involved in website and App development since 2002 we offer insight into what you can expect and some important information is available under the Services We Offer if you are looking at having a website created.

Websites and Apps cost starts from $550.00, with a couple of requirements that need to be meet before we start, an estimation of costs will be provided fee of cost. 


If you wish to register a domain name or order server hosting click here.

An indication of costs for our Business services.

From $125

Small business security & Technology assessment

Onsite visit, to check possible security issues and possible technology upgrades or services to meet operational needs.

From $225

Small business security & Technology assessment

Onsite audit of current technology, security issues, staff training areas for improvement, website assessment to increase ROI, areas of possible improvements using current technology  

From $450

Establishing operational manuals and training

Onsite visit, to check possible security issues identify lack of staff training and areas that need development.
Establish online training portal and custom training to meet business expectations around security and efficient use of technology.

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